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Official Goulding Consultants & Trainers Site

Real Turn Around with Temper Tantrums

The Goulding Method –  has been given me amazing responses and I keep on helping mothers around the globe!


The change in ‘L’ has been seen in his behavior 360 degree and not only, the health related issues has been improved a lot and I can tell you that I am very very pleased and feel accomplished.


Thanks million for everything you thought me, happy to meet and learn from you in person, you are such an inspiration!!!


Accredited Consultant – Dubai 2015 – Amalia Paraschiv


More Affectionate

Parent Feedback: “Father commented that the Goulding Method- has become a nightly routine for the family.  Even when the Father is lazy at times or forgot,  the wife will remind him to do it.


They had only missed one night ever since starting the process.  I questioned why the wife is not doing it and he said that both are committed but she has more household chores to do so he will share out the load.


Recently the parents had a gathering with their friends and it surprised the parents that ‘S’ made friends with them easily and even willing to hold hands with them to go for a walk.


In addition, nowadays when parents try to wake him up, he is happier to wake up and sometimes even able to wake up on his own in the mornings.   The Father commented that his son really is waking up ‘Bright and Happy’. 


‘S’ is able to express his emotions better and the Father felt that his son has grown up a lot during these 3 months.   Previously whenever S did something wrong,  he would said ‘sorry’ when told to say so without much feelings and understanding that he really did something wrong.


The Father commented that recently he would give random kisses and hugs to the parents, showing his affection more openly to his parents, which was a pleasant surprise to his parents. ‘S’ is less possessive of his Mother even though there are some changes in the care arrangement such as Mother has resumed full-time working. ‘S’ maintains a positive mood when it is time for him to go to school and Mother has to go to work.


Conclusion: My learning from this case experience is that this wonderful Goulding Method-  has benefitted parents by teaching them about positive parenting.   The parents recognized it as taking care of the ‘now’ for the sake of their child’s future and it is good to start at an early age.”

Accredited Consultant: Tan May Chin: – Singapore 2016 


Tantrums Much Less Frequent

“A young boy whose mother had committed suicide 5 months ago was having various challenges in his life. He stopped playing with other children and didn’t go outside unless his dad made him.


He was unable to sleep in his own bed and generally was in a difficult place. He expressed lots of anger and had tantrums on a daily basis. His relationship with his father was strained as his mother and father had separated a year before she took her life and dad was not living at home.


Within weeks of starting the Goulding Method – there were significant changes already visible. ‘H’ started to play with other children again.


He started to go outside and enjoy playing in the yard, his relationship with his father changed almost completely – he started to show affection like never before and within a month was sleeping in his own bed.


He still has tantrums – though much less frequently – this will be something we focus on as we move forward with The Goulding Method- .”

Consultant: Philip Donegan – Ireland 2009


Now a Normal Happy Child

“Initially ‘J’ was just having problems at day care. When the parents came to see me to learn The Goulding Method – they had just moved her to a new school. It had been suggested to the parents that they should take her to see a child psychologist, which they did and were then told that she ‘might’ be on the autistic spectrum.


At that time she was having significant challenges with anger and having uncontrollable tantrums. Mom and dad felt helpless and fearful that there might be something really wrong and were waiting on an appointment with an occupational therapist. While with the psychologist ‘J’ diagnosis was given to the parents while she was in the room!


Within the first two weeks of starting The Goulding Proces there was significant abreaction, the parents recall it definitely got worse before it got better. But this just lasted a few days.


Something that we noticed happened with ‘J’ each time we introduced ‘any’ new suggestion to the process. And although we noticed feedback in the form of increased affection – especially with Mom and overall being happier we decided to continue the foundation process for almost two months before we moved to a primary area of need. 


By the time we moved to the first primary area of need ‘J’ was already generally calmer and having less frequent tantrums. Her parents have done a wonderful job of being consistent and continuing the process, something that I have found to be one of the biggest challenges with parents after the first two months.


In the last year I have seen the parents six times and each time we add to or adjust our suggestions to help with a variety of issues. Today the parents, who have just had another child report that they feel if they had not found The Goulding Method – their daughter would not be the normal, happy child she is today.”

Consultant: Philip Donegan – Ireland 2009



Lessening of Temper Tantrums 

“The mother by this point had been very satisfied with the progress of her child and the second phase of suggestions were given to her that included feeling loved, safe, and calm.


The mother continues to report improvements in her son’s behaviour including lessened intensity of squabbles with the granddad, although she believes that is mostly the grandfather’s fault.


She was advised to have her parents join in on the Goulding Method to accelerate results as well as possibly allow the relationship between CS1 and his grandfather to evolve”

Professional Intern: NS – UAE


Improvements increased Weekly

“ The Goulding Method- was recommended and explained thoroughly and the need to do it to all kids where the mother can approach the teenagers from a bit of a distance or the door step because of his age. 


After 12 weeks of offering the Phase 1  Foundation stage It was strictly followed everyday by the mother and she recorded the voice of the father as he used to travel a lot. 


Mum started reporting changes every week. First they were smaller changes where the tantrums took just a little bit less time and the improvements increased weekly.


Mum became so motivated with the process and the obvious changes for the whole 12 weeks.! Her son’s tantrums times and length kept getting shorter and more manageable. He was able to control his nerves and even started thinking positively and looking at the good side in situations. 


He became more confident and not venerable to simple situations where he became so flexible and secure within. He was also able to speak up for himself and report situations where he needed to explain himself and his reactions and he was convincing and never lied. 


His teachers started reporting significant changes and by the end of the year he was given an award for best behaviour in school which left the mother thrilled.! 


The relationship with siblings softened gradually and now they are more understanding and tolerant to each other. Mother reported that he is even more empathetic with his older brother and sister.! 


The siblings relationship became much stronger as the communication between them got stronger and they were able to talk, set rules and follow them through and she is enjoying him outside everywhere even in the mall which used to be a great challenge!  


Mum also reported that he doesn’t like to spend more time alone than he used to do before!  Harmony was restored to the whole home and she felt much happier and reported that she felt her life has changed.

Consultant: NT – UAE 2017



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