Official Goulding Consultants & Trainers Site

Official Goulding Consultants & Trainers Site

Hi Joane, thought I would share with you the joy of working with the Goulding Method with my granddaughter & daughter. As you know my daughter & granddaughter live in the UK and I was previously aware of prior to training with you as a consultant. I had sent a book and re-recorded a cd for my granddaughter who is now 8yrs of age and is plus 80% deaf. In particular I wish to highlight the benefits it afforded my daughter as well as focusing her thoughts and dealing with her “stuff”.

When my daughter was using the program with the little one, after about month she noticed an improvement with my granddaughters clarity and an ability to put things in prospective. I must add my daughter has suffered severe depression of varying degrees since probably her mid to late 20’s , she is now 35. So they together used the program a little ad hock over a year and it was re enforced when they come to oz for a holiday.

I was privileged enough to have both my girls here in July 2011 for 2 .5 months, I restarted the program with my daughters blessing, religiously every evening she would go into the room when my granddaughter was sleeping and say the wording. The difference in my granddaughter from being an unaware full time career for her mum, to a very happy young child with vitality love life and a yearning to learn. My granddaughter wanted to go to the library and we were bring books home chosen by her age related. Her concentration, enthusiasm for life fun & laughter developed beyond all recognition. To my daughter the transition was amazing.

The reading age off my granddaughter improved from 8/9 to 12 year old, no fear and to see a timid little girl acting as though she wanted to be on stage was so rewarding. It’s so hard to put into words when this wonderful transition was happening before my eyes, yet I knew and believed in this fabulous program.

Every parent should experience & grandparent as well should witness for themselves. For me the greatest joy was the week before my girls were due to fly back to the UK. My granddaughter was saying good morning and after asking how she slept, she replied, “in every way it gets better & better”

My final word. My granddaughter wears 2 hearing aids and has no hearing once removed, in total isolation. This beautiful program offers understanding and clarity to parents in an unobtrusive not obvious way of dealing with their stuff. Children have an ability to live a full and positive life as it gets better in every way.

From a very proud consultant & grandma.

Allison Roe. Aussie Consultant


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