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Official Goulding Consultants & Trainers Site

Improved Confidence

I was spurred on today to send this email as I had a client who uses the Goulding Method – with her children each night and says since doing so his confidence has improved and they have a more peaceful household – isn’t that wonderful!

Lee Simmons – Victoria 2013


Self-Esteem Rising

“Very positive feedback again, the mother is very content – all marks of ‘B’ are in the positive range now. ‘B’ continues sports and is generally much more calm and with very good marks. ‘D’ shows further improvements too, though remains disinterested in sports and other activities, and her ability to remain calm changes up and down over time, despite of a visible general increase in self-esteem.  

The mother has dropped significantly in doing the talks every night, but intends to get back to it upon the results of this review.

Both kids have grown greatly in self-esteem, and their general feeling at home and school has improved significantly as well. The mother has grown enormously in self-esteem and the change is very visible. The relation of the 2 kids has improved visibly too, less frustration at home for the mother. ‘D’ still needs some attention but looking at the marks she is well on the way. 

We introduced additional suggestions but it does not show an effect on the targeted traits, but may attribute to the general improvement. The mother became interested in applying the process in her work because she occasionally helps children.”

Consultant: Peter Solymos – Budapest 2014.


No Operation Needed, Confidence & Speech Improving

According to Mom’s feedback, the 6 years old girl doesn’t have to have her planed otitis media (ear) operation. The parents hoped they can avoid that as from the beginning of applying the process, the girl’s condition was constantly improving and now she is free of inflation and any other symptoms.  Her speech is also clearer and she is more confident and relaxed.

My conclusion: Spending quality time together is crucially important for the healthy physical, mental and emotional development of our children.  If the parents are able to provide it with full commitment, then the child will be able to experience all the joy life can offer with its full extend.

Accredited Consultant: Molnárné Kecskés Mónika Hungary – 2019


Trying New Thing, Reading and Writing Improving & Speaking Clearer 

“After 12 weeks of The Goulding Method   The Foundation Stage was strictly followed everyday by the mother! 

• Mum noticed results after two weeks of the process and the first observation was the increase in the confidence level where he became more approachable to try new things or new learning challenges believing in his own abilities. ! 

• Soon his reading and writing improved dramatically along his grades and he was awarded from school for the amount of reading he is doing.! 

• His ability to express himself improved slightly but he was able to make better sense using his mother tongue language! 

• His attitude toward school improved and is more focused on the positive aspects of the teachers rather than their flaws as with his very high logic and reasoning cognitive skills. sometimes he was making more sense than his teachers! 

• The mother was so happy by his ability to remain calm and manage his anger very reasonably. She said that this has improved so much that the relationship with his brother and sister is getting so much better!

Feedback Report:  There is no more hair pulling at all which has stopped completely. Nail biting is still on but at a very less frequency! 

‘Y’ took some time to understand the shift in his mother behaviour after focusing so much on high grades and results. Signs of anxiety is still there but he is able to go through tests and is more motivated to put more! 

All kids love the process and they call their mother before they sleep and ask her to sleep talk to them!

Consultant: NT – UAE 2017


Attitude Improving

After doing the Foundation phase  of The Goulding Method-   for more than 6 weeks, mother has noticed that ‘WX’ has improved in term of her attitude. She is the middle child, so she tends to complained that mother doesn’t love her and always behave mischievous to get attention (Either bad or good attention). 

After 6 weeks of  the  process, mother noticed that she becomes more obedient; no more do any mischievous behaviour to seek attention. Not only this, she also tends to more loving to her siblings and her anxiety level reduced to a manageable level. After doing a more specify The Goulding Method phase 3 ,  tailored made suggestion script, the improvement on ‘WX’ is more significant. 

She starts to voice out her opinion in school and more confident in herself. Now she has courage to take part in competition and she has more confident in handling exam. 

She used to have performance anxiety symptoms when facing exam, but after all three phases of the process, her anxiety level towards exam was significantly reduced. She learned that she can wish to get the best result but it is not a must to get best result in order to be successful person.

 She learned to tolerate stress and her stress tolerance level has improved significantly. Mother does for both of them in a same room. She chooses to read it silently just right beside their ear, and she found this is more powerful than just read it out loud for all the kids who share the same room.

Accredited Consultant – Hiro Koo Kian Yong – Malaysia 2018


Phenomenal change 

“Mum sates that: ‘L’ is starting to show “phenomenal change – really excel”. She made the honour roll at school which “she has never done in her life”.  She ran for an office on student council and was determined to start working out with a personal trainer to enhance her volleyball success.  She stared a nutrition plan, losing 5 lbs. Mum notes that there have actually been “remarkable changes with both girls”. 

L’s change has been dramatic, she is very driven to take extra steps to make varsity team.  Grades in school are now all A’s and B’s. She made the National Honour Society, where she has never made honour roll in the past.  Mum states she made comments that she was “stupid”; now she makes comments that she knows that she is smart.   Her  “confidence is out the roof!”  

She drives her own sleep schedule and makes her own decisions. ‘L’ broke up with a boy that she didn’t feel was truly interested in her prior to homecoming and went with her friends instead.  Mum felt this was a remarkable stand in confidence, whereas prior she would have tended to ‘go along’.”

Accredited Consultant – Joy Hoffman – USA 2019


Making new friends

Parents have shared that ‘N’ has settled much more at kindergarten now and has enjoyed a number of different trips and activities out-of-house recently too. 

She has started swimming and is really enjoying the lessons, and her dance class has also restarted and ‘N’ seems happy to meet all the new children. 

Both parents feel The Goulding Method – has been an amazing tool which has empowered them to turn their lives around, and they intend to continue indefinitely!”

Accredited Consultant – Georgina Broendal – Denmark 2018


Improving Growth and Development.       

Conclusion: The parents invited me over to dinner; they were delighted with ‘E’s growth and development. They reflected that girls are growing really fast and needed a different approach to parenting.  

The parents realized that being critical does not work for ‘E’.   We have also started The Goulding Method – ™  with her sibling recently.  My learning from this is that I am even more convinced that when parents are involved and positive about the process, the rate of improvement increases in amazing ways! 

‘E’ is so lucky to have such dedicated parents!  I am really excited about sharing The Goulding Method – ™ with more families!  

Hasnah Bte A. Rahman – Accredited Consultant and Trainer. Singapore 2017  


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