Official Goulding Consultants & Trainers Site

Official Goulding Consultants & Trainers Site

The Goulding Method®Organisation

The official site, licensed and recognised by Joane Goulding, the founder of the Goulding Method®

The Goulding Method® Organisation is made up of Consultants, Trainers, Advocates, Supervisors, Boards of Ethics and Practise; that support families using Joane Goulding’s simple and safe method. Joane Goulding, the founder, developed the Goulding Method 50 years ago and has helped families deal with major and minor challenges in their daily lives.

The Goulding Method® Organisation Trainers and Consultants carry a professional practise license number that is unique to them. This offers parents peace of mind. Trainers and Consultants are governed by the Goulding Method Organisation’s Codes of Professional Practice and Ethics and their licenses are renewable annually.

The Goulding Method® reminds children they are lovable and have the right to be loved, reinforcing a feeling of being unconditionally loved. The strength of the process is its simplicity both in content and application. Allowing acceptance of emotional hugs and creating ‘happiness insurance’, is a gift that keeps on giving for life. It’s a gentle Method establishing emotional intelligence and a sense of independence, attachment and acceptance.

Parents (and adoptive parents) can learn to apply this Method themselves using our learning resources, or work with a registered and endorsed Goulding Method® Organisation Consultant for extra peace of mind.

The licenced and endorsed Trainers and Consultants identified on this site make up the official register of those who are accredited to present the Goulding Method® to your family.  Trainers and Consultants are governed by the Goulding Method® Organisation’s Codes of Professional Practice and Ethics and their licenses are renewable annually.

After 55 years of bringing the Goulding Method® parenting approach to the world, Joane is confident that her Method is no longer simply a ‘process’. She has  assisted families to raise emotionally secure children and Joane’s Method has touched every community across the globe. Joane has created the process that is now a trusted Method.

All registered graduates who have taken the course with a licensed and endorsed Trainer are eligible to apply for membership. Graduates who have not applied for membership are not endorsed by the Goulding Method® Organisation. They carry a Certificate of Completion from their licensed trainer which allows them to practice. What does that mean to you the parent. The graduate has completed the requirement of the Goulding Method® course with their licensed trainer, however they are not regulated with regard to their professional practice by the Goulding Method Organisation. Their certificate of completion will carry their trainer’s license number and their certificate will be issued by their trainer and not the Goulding Method® Organisation.

If for any reason you experience difficulty and you’re unable to communicate with your chosen consultant, feel free to email

The Goulding Method® is a child-focused consulting modality for Endorsed and Licensed Consultants. The course is open to counsellors, teachers and other professionals who are working with children and/or parents.

The main objective of the Method is to help parents develop mentally and emotionally balanced, confident children.

The most unique (and most powerful) element of The Goulding Method® is, that it gives parents a simple yet powerful tool with which they can actively participate in this process.

The endorsed and licensed Goulding Method® Organisation Consultant teaches parents and/or primary carers a simple, safe, client centred, drug and substance free ethical process, that they are able to use to support their own child(ren). It only takes a few moments each evening to deliver, by repeating precisely designed affirmations after their child falls asleep.

Goulding Method® Organisation Consultant offers ongoing emotional support and monitors the process, to ensure continued motivation and daily application for a minimum of 3 months. The evidence based structure begins with a base line reading of the child’s current physical, academic, behavioural, emotional and social bearing. These measures chart the changes over time, allowing the consultant to offer parents the appropriate application of the method accordingly.

Joane Goulding

A published author with qualifications in Psycho-nutrition, Training, Assessment and Education, Supervision and Clinical Hypnotherapy, Joane’s speaking and training commitments enable her to share the safe process. It establishes a sense of emotional intelligence, loving attachment and acceptance for our future generations..

Joane Goulding, Founder

All registered Goulding Method® Consultants and Trainers identified on this site are accredited by Goulding Method Organisation. All are governed by a strict code of professional practice, integrity, and ethics with a wide range of additional complementary qualifications.

We are proud to endorse a select group of international trainers who have undergone extensive training and are authorized to teach all aspects of Joane Goulding’s intellectual property.

Our trainers, along with Joane herself, are dedicated to upholding the highest standards of ethics in their training methods. We are fiercely protective of the Joane Goulding Method & Process brand, and it is crucial to us that the integrity of our modalities is maintained. Be aware that only accredited trainers and consultants listed on our endorsed list are representing the Joane Goulding modalities. We emphasize that anyone else using images, words, or profiting from copyrighted material without endorsement by Joane Goulding are not members of our international organisation and company.

By choosing our endorsed trainers and consultants, you can feel confident that you are receiving ethical, knowledgeable, and registered modalities of the Joane Goulding Method®. Our endorsed professionals have invested significant time, effort, and resources into their training, ensuring they meet the highest standards. We urge prospective families or individuals seeking training or consulting services to exercise due diligence in selecting a trainer or consultant specifically endorsed and accredited by the Founder Joane Goulding.

The proven method to empower parents and support families from the very start.

The Goulding Method ®

The original and best method, celebrates 55 years of progressive parenting for the future of our children and generations to follow.


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